Improving rail workforce data

Our research program is helping to fill the gaps in rail workforce data to better understand and address critical skills challenges across the sector.

Updating Australia's rail skills training database

The National Rail Skills Hub is analysing up-to-date data to better identify who's training in specific rail skills, where they are being trained and who's paying for it.

We're using statistics from the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) to develop graphics and analyses reflecting the training environment for critical rail skills.

Full reports can be found in the Hub's Knowledge Centre


Infographics showing rail workforce data including who's training in rail skills, where they're being trained and who's paying for it.



National rail workforce forecasting tool

We're working with Jobs and Skills Australia to develop a national rail workforce forecasting tool.

The tool will draw from Australia’s infrastructure pipeline and the operations and maintenance needs of existing railway networks, to show the supply and demand of rail workers at any point in time across Australia. 

It can be used by governments and industry to assist with future project scheduling. And by the education sector to ensure enough workers are trained now to meet future demand. 


Rail yards with city background at sunset