Skills strategies that work

Rail is competing for talent in a national skills shortage. Our case studies highlight strategies that are helping to fill the skills and labour gap . If you have a program or collaboration that meets this challenge, let us know. Sharing success stories helps to build a stronger industry.
Transport for NSW staff training on VR
Transport for NSW staff training on VR
Rio Tinto driverless train on tracks
Featured Case Study

Preparing your workforce for radical change

Rio Tinto’s driverless train system was a world first in rail technology. Find out how they prepared their workforce with the skills and mindset to ensure the project’s success.
Rio Tinto driverless train on tracks
person wielding with sparks flying
Featured Case Study

Collaborative research improves skill development

Australia’s first tunnelling centre is collaborating with industry to find new ways to address the skills gap.
person wielding with sparks flying
Featured Case Study

Offering job options reduces worker attrition

In today's global skills and labour shortage, a major challenge for rail organisations is to retain valuable and talented employees.
Local workers standing in a group by a rail project
Featured Case Study

Training local workers can fill a skills gap

With a forecast skills shortage expected to be felt most keenly in regional areas, ARTC is moving to plug the gap by training regional workers to meet the current and long-term needs of its Inland Rail project.
Local workers standing in a group by a rail project
Welding student using augmented reality training technology.
Featured Case Study

An AI solution to fast-track training

By gamifying its training process, Weld Australia is attracting a new, more diverse, generation of welders to the trade.
Welding student using augmented reality training technology.
Man and young women in hard hats examining a chart.
Featured Case Study

TAFE and industry collaborate on training challenge

One of the greatest challenges in meeting the skills shortage is having enough trainers to meet demand. To address this, Perth's North Metropolitan TAFE has been working with the rail sector on a number of new initiatives.
Man and young women in hard hats examining a chart.
Track grinding
Featured Case Study

Rail diploma tackles engineering skills shortage

How Engineering Education Australia and the University of Tasmania developed Australia's first nationally recognised engineering qualification specifically for rail.
Track grinding
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